How to choose kubernetes deployment platform

How to choose kubernetes deployment platform

There are some of the most important points while choosing kubernetes deployment platform.

  1. Production-Readiness

  2. Future-Readiness

  3. Ease of Management

  4. Support and Training

Hosted Solutions

  1. provides managed Kubernetes clusters for various public clouds, including AWS and Google Cloud Platform.

  2. APPUiO runs an OpenShift public cloud platform, supporting any Kubernetes workload. Additionally APPUiO offers Private Managed OpenShift Clusters, running on any public or private cloud.

  3. Amazon Elastic Container Service for Kubernetes offers managed Kubernetes service.

  4. Azure Kubernetes Service offers managed Kubernetes clusters.

  5. Containership Kubernetes Engine (CKE) intuitive Kubernetes cluster provisioning and management on GCP, Azure, AWS, Packet, and DigitalOcean. Seamless version upgrades, autoscaling, metrics, workload creation, and more.

  6. DigitalOcean Kubernetes offers managed Kubernetes service.

  7. Giant Swarm offers managed Kubernetes clusters in their own datacenter, on-premises, or on public clouds.

  8. Google Kubernetes Engine offers managed Kubernetes clusters.

  9. IBM Cloud Kubernetes Service offers managed Kubernetes clusters with isolation choice, operational tools, integrated security insight into images and containers, and integration with Watson, IoT, and data.

  10. Kubermatic provides managed Kubernetes clusters for various public clouds, including AWS and Digital Ocean, as well as on-premises with OpenStack integration.

  11. Kublr offers enterprise-grade secure, scalable, highly reliable Kubernetes clusters on AWS, Azure, GCP, and on-premise. It includes out-of-the-box backup and disaster recovery, multi-cluster centralized logging and monitoring, and built-in alerting.

  12. KubeSail is an easy, free way to try Kubernetes.

  13. Madcore.Ai is devops-focused CLI tool for deploying Kubernetes infrastructure in AWS. Master, auto-scaling group nodes with spot-instances, ingress-ssl-lego, Heapster, and Grafana.

  14. Nutanix Karbon is a multi-cluster, highly available Kubernetes management and operational platform that simplifies the provisioning, operations, and lifecycle management of Kubernetes.

  15. OpenShift Dedicated offers managed Kubernetes clusters powered by OpenShift.

  16. OpenShift Online provides free hosted access for Kubernetes applications.

  17. Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Container Engine for Kubernetes (OKE) is a fully-managed, scalable, and highly available service that you can use to deploy your containerized applications to the cloud.

  18. Platform9 offers managed Kubernetes service that works on-premises or on any public cloud, with 99.9% SLA guarantee.

  19. provides Kubernetes infrastructure automation and management for multiple public clouds.

  20. SysEleven MetaKube offers managed Kubernetes as a service powered on our OpenStack public cloud. It includes lifecycle management, administration dashboards, monitoring, autoscaling and much more.

  21. VEXXHOST VEXXHOST proudly offers Certified Kubernetes on our public cloud, which also happens to be the largest OpenStack public cloud in Canada.

  22. VMware Cloud PKS is an enterprise Kubernetes-as-a-Service offering in the VMware Cloud Services portfolio that provides easy to use, secure by default, cost effective, SaaS-based Kubernetes clusters.

Turnkey Cloud Solutions

These solutions allow you to create Kubernetes clusters on a range of Cloud IaaS providers with only a few commands. These solutions are actively developed and have active community support.

  1. Agile Stacks

  2. Alibaba Cloud

  3. APPUiO

  4. AWS

  5. Azure

  6. CenturyLink Cloud

  7. Conjure-up Kubernetes with Ubuntu on AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, Oracle Cloud

  8. Containership

  9. Docker Enterprise

  10. Gardener

  11. Giant Swarm

  12. Google Compute Engine (GCE)

  13. IBM Cloud

  14. Kontena Pharos

  15. Kubermatic

  16. Kublr

  17. Madcore.Ai

  18. Nirmata

  19. Nutanix Karbon

  20. Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Container Engine for Kubernetes (OKE)

  21. Pivotal Container Service

  22. Platform9 Managed Kubernetes as a Service

  23. Rancher 2.0




  27. VMware Cloud PKS

  28. VMware Enterprise PKS

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