What is Razorops CICD?


Stop maintaining and scaling your local CI/CD infrastructure.
Switch to Cloud!


Customizable pipeline automation speeds deployments to production.
Build more, wait less!


Build and Test better, avoid bugs before they reach your users.
Ship your code with confidence!

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Kubernetes Cost Efficiency and Performance Optimization: Best Practices for Managing Your Cluster

Kubernetes Cost Efficiency and Performance Optimization: Best Practices for Managing Your Cluster

we will explore Kubernetes cost efficiency and performance optimization best practices that can help you maximize the value of your Kubernetes infrastructure

Amazon Simple Workflow Service(SWF)

Amazon Simple Workflow Service(SWF)

Amazon simple workflow service (Amazon SWF) is a web service that provides generic solutions for distributed program workflows.

AWS Step Functions

AWS Step Functions

Step functions allow developers to offload application orchestration into fully managed AWS services.

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