Razorops CI/CD with heroku apps

Razorops CI/CD with heroku apps

This post i will explain how to deploy rails app on heroku using Razorops CI/CD

Deploying to heroku was super easy as it happen with just a git push, with razorops you can add Unit Testing, Code Scaning support to your Heroku app.

For this guide you will need:

1) Heroku user account https://signup.heroku.com/

2) Create an App in side Heroku

3) Get your Heroku Token or (API Key form your account) https://dashboard.heroku.com/account

4) Get one Razorops account here https://dashboard.razorops.com

5) Connect your GIT provide account under integration: https://dashboard.razorops.com/integration

6) Create a Pipeline on dashboard

7) Edit your pipeline and add your heroku HEROKU_API_KEY and HEROKU_APP_NAME environment variables

Add a .razorops.yaml in your project’s root directory

  runner: ruby:3.1.2

    - checkout
    - run: bundle install
    - commands:
        - bundle exec rspec

    depends: [unit-tests]
    when: branch == 'production'
    - checkout
    - commands:
      - gem install dpl
      - dpl --provider=heroku --app=$HEROKU_APP_NAME --api-key=$HEROKU_API_KEY

Razorops will trigger pipeline if code is pushed to production branch. it will deploy production branch to heroku.

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