Introduction to Container Native CICD

What is Container Native
Software that treats the container as the first-class unit of infrastructure
The integration of CI/CD concepts and automation practices has revolutionized the software development landscape
Testing and QA are critical components of CI/CD pipelines. They ensure that code changes do not introduce new bugs
Deploying to heroku was super easy as it happen with just a git push, with razorops you can add CI/CD support to your Heroku apps.
The tech teams, who already have DevOps processes in place, got huge benefits and did not get much impact.
Helm is the package manager for Kubernetes (like yum and apt ) that allows easily package, configure, and deploy applications onto Kubernetes clusters
Container registry is a repository for storing docker images or container images.
Container Native Software treats containers as the first-class unit of infrastructure
Principles for Continuous Integration includes few best practices, this help DevOps team to streamline delivery process.