Amazon RDS

Amazon RDS

What is Amazon RDS?

RDS (Relational Database System) in AWS makes it easy to operate, manage, and scale in the cloud.

It provides scalable capacity with a cost-efficient pricing option and automates manual administrative tasks such as patching, backup setup, and hardware Provisioning.

Engines supported by RDS are given below:


● It is the most popular open-source DB in the world.

● Amazon RDS makes it easy to provision the DB in AWS Environment without worrying about the physical infrastructure.

● In this way, you can focus on application development rather than Infra. Management.


● MS-SQL is a database developed by Microsoft.

● Amazon allows you to provision the DB Instance with provisioned IOPS or Standard Storage.


● MariaDB is also an open-source DB developed by MySQL developers.

● Amazon RDS makes it easy to provision the DB in AWS Environment without worrying about the physical infrastructure.


● Nowadays, PostgreSQL has become the preferred open-source relational DB. Many enterprises now have started using PostgreSQL powered database engines.


● Amazon RDS also provides a fully managed commercial database engine like Oracle.

● Amazon RDS makes it easy to provision the DB in AWS Environment without worrying about the physical infrastructure.

● You can run Oracle DB Engine with two different licensing models – “License Included” and “Bring-Your-Own-License (BYOL).”

Amazon Aurora

● It is the relational database engine developed by AWS only.

● It is a MySQL and PostgreSQL-compatible DB engine.

● Amazon claims that it is five times faster than the standard MySQL DB engine and around three times faster than the PostgreSQL engine.

● The cost of the aurora is also less than the other DB Engines.

● In Amazon Aurora, you can create up to 15 read replicas instead of 5 in other databases.

Multi AZ Deployment

● Enabling multi-AZ deployment creates a Replica (Copy) of the database in different availability zones in the same Region.

● Multi-AZ synchronously replicates the data to the standby instance in different AZ.

● Each AZ runs on physically different and independent infrastructure and is designed for high reliability.

● Multi-AZ deployment is for Disaster recovery not for performance Enhancement.

Read Replicas

● Read Replicas allow you to create one or more read-only copies of your

database in the same or different regions.

Read Replica is mostly for performance enhancement. We can now use Read-Replica with Multi-AZ as a Part of DR (disaster recovery) as well.

● A Read Replica in another region can be used as a standby database in event of regional failure/outage. It can also be promoted to the Production database.

Storage Type

General Purpose (SSD): General Purpose storage is suitable for database workloads that provide a baseline of 3 IOPS/GiB and the ability to burst to 3,000 IOPS.

Provisioned IOPS (SSD): Provisioned IOPS storage is suitable for I/O-intensive database workloads. I/O range is from 1,000 to 30,000 IOPS.


● By default, enhanced monitoring is disabled.

● Enabling enhanced monitoring incurs extra charges.

● Enhanced monitoring is not available in the AWS GovCloud(US) Region.

● Enhanced monitoring is not available for the instance class db.m1.small.

● Enhanced monitoring metrics include IOPS, Latency, Throughput, Queue Depth.

● Enhanced monitoring gathers information from an agent installed in DB Instance.

Backups & Restore

● The default backup retention period for automatic backup is 7 days if you use the console, for CLI and RDS API it’s 1 day.

● Automatic backup can be retained for up to 35 days.

● The minimum Automatic backup retention period is 0 days, which will disable the automatic backup for the instance.

● 100 Manual snapshots are allowed in a single region.


You will be charged based on multiple factors:

● Active RDS Instances

● Storage

● Requests

● Backup Storage

● Enhanced monitoring

● Transfer Acceleration

● Data Transfer for cross-region replication

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