The core Terraform workflow consists of writing configuration, initializing needed plugins, planning infrastructure changes, and then applying them. Read the following resources to learn about the most common CLI subcommands you will use in your Terraform workflow.
The Core Terraform Workflow documentation
Initialize a Terraform working directory with init documentation
Validate a Terraform configuration with validate documentation
Generate and review an execution plan for Terraform with plan documentation
Execute changes to infrastructure with Terraform with apply documentation
Destroy Terraform managed infrastructure with destroy documentation
These resources will help you demonstrate that you can navigate the Terraform workflow. (Objective #6) »Learn more subcommands
In addition to the normal Terraform workflow, the CLI includes many subcommands for additional operations, including checking configuration formatting, importing configurations, and manipulating state. Review the following resources and tutorials to get more familiar with the Terraform CLI.
Troubleshoot Terraform Learn tutorial
Formatting configuration with fmt documentation
Tainting resources with taint documentation
Managing state with state documentation
Using local workspaces with workspace documentation
Refactor Monolithic Terraform Configuration Learn tutorial
Importing existing resources with import documentation
Import Terraform Configuration Learn tutorial
These resources will help you demonstrate that you can use the Terraform CLI outside of the core workflow. (Objective #4)