Grunt is a JavaScript based task runner which means it can automate repetitive tasks in a workflow and it can be used as a command line tool for JavaScript objects. Grunt makes the workflow as easy as writing a setup file. You can automate repetitive tasks with minimum effort.
same like above process we integrate GRUNT with razorops using .razorops.yaml file
Sample App Link - Clone or Fork ——
Github :
runner: node:10
- checkout
# install npm
- run: npm install
# install grunt-cli with global
- run: npm install -g grunt-cli
# know about grunt version
- run: grunt --version
# run a build command
- run: npm run build
<script src=""></script>
Here we enter .razororps.yaml code and click on Run your first build
We can find in logs Grunt build success with creating
Build Disk Tmp folders
**which is compiled and build code of node js **