build tools

Integrate RazorOps with Gulp

What is gulp ?

Gulp is a task runner that uses Node. js as a platform. Gulp purely uses the JavaScript code and helps to run front-end tasks and large-scale web applications. It builds system automated tasks like CSS and HTML minification, concatenating library files, and compiling the SASS files.

How to use GULP tool in working environment:

  • Install Node. js and Gulp.
  • Create a package. json and list dependencies (Gulp and plugins).
  • Install NPM modules.
  • Create a gulpfile. js .
  • Configure tasks you need to run.
  • Run those tasks in the command line while you work.

same like above process we integrate Gulp with razorops using .razorops.yaml file

Github repository :

    runner: node:10
    - checkout
    # installing npm 
    - run: npm install

    # know about version
    - run: npm --version
    # installing gulp cli with global 
    - run: npm install -g gulp-cli

    # know about gulp version 
    - run: gulp --version

    # installing sass with dev 
    - run: npm install sass gulp-sass --save-dev

    # running gulp sass task #
    - run: gulp sass

<script src=""></script>

Gulp integration with Razorops :

Login to razorops with github

Connect to the github repository in workflow with select New pipeline

Select Github

Chose Gulp repository here select grunt-git (working repository)

Select repository and confirm

Next we navigate to YML script block

Here we enter .razororps.yaml code and click on Run your first build

Build process Running

Build process success we can find logs in logs section

Here we mention sass task in script to create compile .css file

sass starting and finishing and created dist folder with style.css