AWS Transit Gateway

What is AWS Transit Gateway?
AWS Transit Gateway is a network hub used to interconnect multiple VPCs. It can be used to attach all hybrid connectivity by controlling your organization’s entire AWS routing configuration in one place.
● It can be more than one per region but can not be peered within a single region.
● It helps to solve the problem of complex VPC peering connections.
● It can be connected with an AWS Direct Connect gateway from a different AWS account.
● Resource Access Manager (RAM) cannot integrate AWS Transit Gateway with Direct Connect gateway.
● To implement redundancy, Transit Gateway also allows multi-user gateway connections.
● Transit Gateway VPN attachment is a feature to create an IPsec VPN connection between your remote network and the Transit Gateway.
● Transit Gateway Network Manager is used to manage and monitor networking resources and connections to remote branch locations.
● It reduces the complexity of maintaining VPN connections with hundreds of VPCs, which become very useful for large enterprises.
● It supports attaching Amazon VPCs with IPv6 CIDRs.
Transit Gateway vs. VPC peering:
Transit Gateway
It has an hourly charge per attachment in addition to the data transfer fees.
Multicast traffic can be routed between VPC attachments to a Transit Gateway.
It provides Maximum bandwidth (burst) of 50 Gbps per Availability Zone per VPC connection.
Security groups feature does not currently work with Transit Gateway.
VPC peering
It does not charge for data transfer.
Multicast traffic cannot be routed to peering connections.
It provides no aggregate bandwidth.
Security groups feature works with intra-Region VPC peering.
Transit Gateway can be created using the following ways
● AWS Management Console
● AWS CloudFormation
Price details:
● Users will be charged for your AWS Transit Gateway on an hourly basis